HeLLo Mr. BLoGGy! I'm BaCk !! ThIs TiMe I'm GoNNa deScrIbE abOuT mY AssiGnMeNT GrOuP MemBerS. I'm verY GLaD that I haD these 2 memBerS in mY teaM. BaCk to thE maIn poInT, ThiS is AbOuT Myself. My naMe is TaN PoH KeAN and I'm 19 years old. My height is 167cm, well I knOw I'm abit shorT compaRe to thE otheRs buT I neVeR caRed aBouT whaT thE othErS saiD abOuT mY heIghT. I haVe aLoT oF HoBBieS anD they aRe as BeLoW:
- PLaYinG BasKeTBaLL
- MMORPG OnLiNe GaMeS such as DoTa all-StaR and RaGnaRoK OnLinE
- RPG AdvEnTuRouS GaMeS such as FiNaL FaNTaSy anD ChRoNo CroSS
- PlaYiNg BaNd InsTrUMents such as snAre-Drums and treno DrUMs
- HaNg OuT wiTh My FriEnDs
FoR mY peRsoNaLitY, I alwaYs preFer to HaVe grouP membErS whIch are resPonsibiLe anD knOw aBouT theiR own roLe-pLay becAuSe I'm commiteD inTo too MaNy otheRs woRks and OrGaNiSaTIons like :
- PC Workz (My owN pc services business with 1 of my friend as a partnership)
- Boys' BrIGaDe (A UniFoRm OrGaNisaTioN whiCh enaBLes mE to LeaRn a LoT oF thInGs from there such as BanD and DriLL)
NoW caN yoU SeE whOsE iN tHaT picTuRe!!??
WeLL he's one of my grouP meMbeR named
NiCksON ToNg ChEE WeI. He haS a fuNNy looks whiCh madE him looks like an hoNesT persOn. InFaCt, he's a very opeN-minDeD perSoN wheRe he neVeR disAgRee witH whAteveR iDeAs we pRopoSeD anD he ALways tRy to aCCepT anD thiNk abOuT the ideaS. He has a charming-looked face wheRe he alwAys have a smiLeY on hiS faCe. He'S also a very sporting person because he CouLd talK or miX with anyone. WhEn comE to homework or disccusion, he can be reLieD to assiGn somE taSks onto even thouGh someTimeS he maY have a loT oF questioNs to asK. FuNny thIng abOuT hiM is his speaKing is always kinD of slow-motion! It makeS us laugH always...
And.. now is thE LaST perSon to IntroduCe in my group! Oh WeLL, hiS name is ThuM Zhee PinG. He has a biT of child-looking face buT he's also a gooD maTe to rely on! He alwaYs tempt to make JoKeS arounD in the claSS or anywhere else. BuT someTimeS the joKeS that he made didnt abLe to make us laugh, instead we're all laughing on Him because tHe jokes seem to be too coLd-feeLinG foR us. He also loVe to aSk a lot of nonsenCe queStioN all the time whiCh I don't know whY or mayBe he's trYinG to geT attentiON frOm peopLe? BuT someTimeS that's aBiT annoYinG. BuT he's still consiDeR a gooD helper in term of doing college works because he alwaYs have a lot of ideas to voice out.
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